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The following policies and procedures guide the day-to-day operations of Anne Arundel Community College, ensure academic standards and integrity, and articulate expectations for student and employee conduct.

Many are set by AACC’s board of trustees and are intended to comply with regulations established by governing agencies, such as the Maryland Higher Education Commission, Middle States Commission on Higher Education and the U.S. Department of Education. Each of these policies is intended to help the college fulfill its mission to provide high quality, affordable, accessible and innovative lifelong learning opportunities in response to the needs of our diverse community.

Attendance, grades, credit hours, dismissal and reinstatement and other academic regulations for credit students are explained in the college catalog and are subject to change each year. Noncredit student policies are summarized in the Noncredit Course Protocols page.

Review AACC's Loading... in the College Catalog.


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